Search Engine Optimization For Beginners

Search Engine Optimization For Beginners
21 October 2019

If you're using Google's AdSense on your pages, of course you need to everything to gain even more traffic for your website as much as your AdSense click and get a bigger income for your wallet.

Simple SEO For Adsense That Increase Your Income

Let me tell you, the easiest way to generate visitors to come and see your website that could gained your income is to use some methods and techniques that will make Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc) send more and more visitor and guest into your website. How to get that many visitor ? Of course by having good ranking or even got your article in first page of search engine result page. The technique i've mention before also known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

So here are tips i'd like to share that every amateur or professional implements in their website to make it SEO Friendly :

1. Use Simple Source Code and Layout

The very first thing that you need to put concern on is ensure your website is using good source code and layout (Template) . A good website that mostly appear in first page of Google, Yahoo, ets are websites with simple source code and template.

You need to know that Google likes to put a website in the first page of search result because those website using interfaces that makes the visitor feel confortable and easy to understand. The only reason that makes your website got small number of visitor is because of your website isn't show up in the first search result. And why ? thats because search engines have troubles in finding the relevant keywords on your website because of the layout has a complex source code. Most search engine uses simple source code, such as HTML, Java Script, Phiton,etc. So make sure your website isn't using complex source code and layout.

2. Use One Niche

The second is you could try to target one niche into your website. For me, niche is one specific topic that becomes a theme on your website. Website that only use one Niche (theme) usually become easy ranked on search result page when someone search wth a topic on search engine, the example is networking theme. This methode makes Google recognized your website as a networking website and display your url on first search result.

3. Efficient 

You should do everything efficiently on website, what i mean is try not to put too many hyperlinks and ads in your page. As we know, put hyperlinks in articles is good to reffering another article of your website, but if you use it too much, searchc engine would indicated your page as a spam website.

And as a tips for ads number, Adsense suggest to use  three or four ads in one page. So if you have one ads in header, one in sidebar, then just use 1 or 2 ads inside the article. It doesn't matter how many ads you put in your website, you cant make cash without many visitors.

4. Keyword Optimisation

When you use certain keywords, you need to make sure your keywords is present in the title, first paragraphs, and also in the article description. Just like when you want to find a file in your laptop, the first thing you search must be the title.

Thats how the search engine work, articles that shown in search result are articles that has relevant title with the search keywords. Not only that, your title must be compelling too.

5. Original And Interesting

Every contents and articles on your website must be original. The original that i mean is that you must create and write your own article. It's very important, by doing this, you can make your website  's visitor find out that your website is different from any other websites and interesting.

Once visitors interested with content  on your website, they will come again and maybe they will share your content to the other people. By that you will get another visits on your website, growing another traffic and earn another cash from adsense.

6. Keyword Research

Before you publish your original and interesting article, another things you have to is keyword research. The purpose is to know what keyword that many people will look for. Its important to know your keywords would be searched by peoples or not. By knowing which keyword that have most search volume, you can choose how to named your article.

What about the old article ?

All you need to do about your old article is you should try to rewrite those article and make sure your articles are SEO Friendly to get ranked in search result and gain more visitor.

As we know, SEO is something complex and nobody know how to do that exactly because its always changed by the time as Search Engine Algorithm update as well. There are lot of search engine optimization you need to implements into your website to get more visitors to your website.

Mahasiswa Zombie

I try to focus but I always end up distracting myself with doodling during classes.