What Is SEO and How It Works ? Updated 2019

What Is SEO and How It Works ? Updated 2019
20 October 2019

Search Engine Optimization or SEO

One of the best ways to successfully increase your website traffic is through what's called Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Now, I will show you a basic overview of how search engines work so that you can easily understand what search engine optimization really is. Nowadays, there are more than 130 million website that already registered on the internet, most of us rely on search engines (especially Google) to find what we want.

How do Search Engines Work ?

Now there's lots of good search engines out there but about 83% of people worldwide use Google, so that's what we'll use in this article. Not only on Google, these concepts applied on all the others search engines too. When you search for something with Google, you will see a results page, and there's lots of websites as result on it. That's the websites found by Google that probably relevant to keyword you're looking for.

Many companies can pay Google to place ads for when people search for particular things, but this is the section most people care about it's the actual results list, which is just a list of websites that are most likely to contain what you're looking for and you'll notice this is just the first results page, then you can click the next page for more.

Now here's the important part that most people just don't know, over 94% of people that is use Google only click results on this first page. If they don't find what they're looking for, they will prefer to adjust their search terms, and then start a new search instead of  clicking on the next result pages. Those people who visit websites on that first page most only click the articles that in top three, and the fact is, more than 65% of people just click right in there and starting a new search instead of clicking on the next article in the next page result .

Why is SEO Important ?

That's why you need to do website optimization to search engines or implements SEO, because is really important. When someone searched for something in search engines all they want is something relevant to their keyword. Once they see your website in search results page, they will click and visit your website. These aren't just any random visitors, but people that are looking for exactly what you offer on your website. We can say when your website isn't showing up in the top three results or let's say it isn't on the first page at all, it's just like your website doesn't even exist on search engines directory.

Have you ever searched for reason some websites showed up on the first result page with many keywords, but the others are stuck at the bottom of the lowest page rank? A website's position in search results is depends on what's referred to as page rank. Every website has a ranking for particular keywords, and the first search engines which is worked by tracking all the words inside a website. So if you searched some certain keywords, you'll found a list of websites that containing those keywords you searched for inside the article and the title. The websites that had those keywords most often inside them, were ranked higher and will show up on the top of first page in search results.

Search engines today all follow this model they still look at your website's keywords, but they rank your website's based on the number and quality of backlinks from other websites. Keywords will make Google see your website and then discover what it's about, but backlinks can determine how much this search engine know that your site is very relevant and then display it on search results page. So keywords are important because they let Google know you're out there but once again, backlinks makes your website to be ranked in the search result. When your website displayed on search results page, that's called organic, or natural results that will generates organic traffic. The rank also constantly changing based on what people actually looking for on the internet.

"Simple SEO Tips For Beginners"

Three Types of SEO

Basically, there are the three aspects to how search engines find websites as a result. Here are three corresponding components to SEO.

1. On-site SEO

The first one, is the on-site SEO component, this is where you ensure your site is full of keywords that are relevant to what your site's about. So, for example, if you trade waters in the beach, you want to make sure relevant keywords are on your site, such as fresh, pure, cheap, minerals, etc.
This type of SEO includes:
  • Keyword research : How to find the best keywords to target on your article
  • Content creation: Creating and publishing high-quality content based on keyword target
  • Keyword optimization: Using keyword in the right places, and then using certain meta tag SEO.

2. Off-site SEO

The second component of SEO is called off-site SEO, this is where you work to create backlinks to your website that originate from other site. Links to your site can be created using articles, blog posts, discussion forums, and many more. But one thing you should know is, the more influential the website is that links back to you, the more effect that backlink from that site it's going to determine your search result ranking.

3. Technical SEO

The last one is Technical SEO that relates to optimization of non-content elements on your website. It includes techniques to improve a site’s structure and performance. Technical SEO used to provide a good user experience, which makes search engines to decide that the site is high quality website or not. User experience is really important for visitors (that can make them comfortable), and can give effects into overall traffic and engagement rates of your website.
This type of SEO includes this factors :
  • Site speed
  • Site architecture
  • Structured data
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Indexing

So SEO is super important, because it helps you ranked to the top of relevant search results. Almost everyone relies heavily on search engines to find anything on the internet, SEO is the best way to increase traffic to your site. 
Mahasiswa Zombie

I try to focus but I always end up distracting myself with doodling during classes.